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Privacy and Cookies Policy

Last update: 1 June 2017


Welcome to our website which includes includes our online “shop” service, as may be amended from time to time (the “Site”). We refer to the Site, all features, functionality and content of the Site as the "Services". The Services, including the Site are provided in the UK by We Love Food Limited t/a The Street Food Company (the "Company", "we", "us", "our"). For the purposes of UK data protection legislation, we are the data controller.

Your privacy and security is important to us. We know that providing personal information is an act of trust and we take that trust seriously. This Privacy and Cookies policy (the “Policy”) describes how we capture your Information (as defined below) and governs how we will deal with it. By using the Site, registering with the Company, our subsidiaries and/or using the Services, you are accepting and consenting to the collection, use, disclosure and other handling of your Information as described below.


1. Information we collect or receive

When you use the Site, we collect and retain information that you, as a customer or potential customer, provide to us through the Site, as well as information that is automatically or passively collected from you, your device or your browser (the “Information”).

Information that you may provide to us:

Contact and profile information, including name, email address, postal address (including post code) and telephone number.

Account information, including your user-name (which may be your email address), password, log-in details, transaction details and successful referrals.

Credit card information, including the name on the card, card type, card number, expiry date and CV2 is collected and processed by our third party payment processor. We retain limited credit card information for our records (e.g. the last four digits for validation purposes) but we do not store or retain complete credit card information.

Your preferences, including ratings you provide in relation to products that are available on the Site and survey responses.

Communications to us, for example reporting a problem or submitting queries, concerns or comments regarding the Site, its content or your account.

Any other content or information you choose to provide, including photos you may upload.

Details of your visits to the Site, the resources you access and any data you download.

Information related or connected to a social media account that you use to sign up or log in to the Services, or that you associate with your account through our Services. For instance, when you associate your Facebook account with our Services, we may receive your public profile (name, profile picture, age range, gender, language, country and other public information), your friend list and your email address. If you sign up, log in with or associate other social media accounts with our Services, such as Twitter or Tumblr, we may obtain similar information from those platforms.

You are under no obligation to provide any such information. However, if you should choose to withhold requested information, we may not be able to provide you with certain services.


2. Information that may be automatically collected

We, along with third parties, also may collect Information about you, your computer or device and your use of the Service via automated means (for more information about these technologies, see Section 4 below). This Information may include:

Information about your visits to the Site and use of the Services, the resources you access, any data you download and information related to the ways in which you interact with the Site and the Services.

IP addresses (including the general information in such address, such as city, county and post code), unique device identifiers, other information about your mobile phone or other mobile device(s), browser types and browser language.

Referral pages and links, URLs, number of clicks, pages viewed, how long you're on a page, your search queries and results.

Information about your device, computer and/or browser you use as well as the device's operating system. This may include your device hardware model, operating system version, or mobile network information.

Precise Location Information: We may ask for your permission to collect precise location information from you or your device. If you agree to allow access to your specific location, you agree that we and our service providers may collect such precise information from your mobile device (e.g., GPS-based location information, longitude/latitude, etc.) and use that information to deliver the content, Services, features and products that are available through the Services.

We may also combine Information that we collect from you with Information we obtain about you from third parties and affiliates and Information derived from any other subscription, product, or service we may provide.

Information from third parties

We may obtain additional information about you from third parties such as marketers, partners, researchers and others.

Anonymous or de-identified data

We may anonymise, pseudonymise and/or de-identify information collected by the Services or via other means so that the information does not identify you. Our use and disclosure of aggregated and/or de-identified information is not subject to any restrictions under this Privacy Policy and we may disclose it to others without limitation for any purpose.


3. Information sharing and disclosure

We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. We will only share it with third parties in accordance with this Policy, or as otherwise required by law.

We may share your personal information in the following ways:

With trusted service providers, to perform or assist us in performing any of the functions listed in Section 2 (Information Uses), for instance (without limitation) to assist us with email delivery, customer and technology support, hosting services, fraud prevention and marketing, data enhancement, advertising and market research services.

If you refer a new customer to us, we may share your first name and first initial of your surname with the referred person.

Companies and individuals registered in our affiliate program receive aggregate information about customers that they direct to us through links on their website. No personally identifiable information is provided to affiliate members; the information collected from our affiliates is used strictly for the affiliate program and will not be used for general marketing purposes.

We also provide analyses of our customers in the aggregate to prospective partners, advertisers and other third parties. We do this so that we and our business partners can understand our customers better and so we can keep bringing you first-rate services. We may also disclose, on an anonymous basis, statements made by our customers such as comments or feedback we receive on or products or service.

As we continue to develop our business, we may sell, buy, merge or partner with other companies or businesses, or sell some or all of our assets. In such transactions, your Information may be among the transferred assets or may be shared with the other company or business for purposes of evaluating the transaction.

Unless you direct us not to, we may share your information with reputable third parties so that they may contact you to offer products, services and promotions that we believe you may find valuable. We may also share your information with third-parties with whom we have a contractual relationship.

We may share your feedback or comments. If you post anything to this Site or through the Services that can be viewed by the general public, we may share that with third parties.

We may use third-party Web analytics Services on the Site, such as those of Google Analytics. We may also share certain information about you and the device you use to access the Services in order to deliver tailored advertising. These service providers use the technology to help us analyse how users use the Site and to deliver advertising. The information collected by the technology (including your IP address) will be disclosed to or collected directly by these services providers, who use the information to evaluate your use of the Site.

We may share your Information when we believe in good faith that such sharing is reasonably necessary in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding possible illegal activities or to comply with legal process. We may also share your information in situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of this Privacy Policy or the Terms of Service; or to respond to the claims of violation of the rights of third parties and/or to protect the rights, property and safety of graze, our employees, users, or the public. This may involve the sharing of your information with law enforcement, government agencies, courts and/or other organisations.

We may share your Information in any other circumstances where we have your consent.

Sometimes, we may combine certain parts or portions of the Information with each other. For instance, when we provide you with customer support or other assistance, we may combine your account information and other personal information you've provided to us with Information about your usage of the Services.


4. Our use of cookies and similar technologies

Cookies are small pieces of information which are issued to your computer when you visit a website and which store and sometimes track information about your use of that website. A number of cookies we use last only for the duration of your web session and expire when you close your browser. Other cookies are used to remember you when you return to the Site and will last for longer. Although they do identify a user's computer, cookies cannot be used by a third party to personally identify users.

When you use the Services, we use persistent and session cookies and other tracking technologies to: (a) analyse the usage of our Sites and Services; (b) customise the Services to your preferences; and (c) control the advertising displayed by the Services. We may also use other Internet technologies, such as Web beacons or pixel tags and other similar technologies, to deliver or communicate with cookies and track your use of the Services (including to serve you ads when you are on other websites or the Internet when we can access those cookies). We also may include Web beacons in e-mail messages or newsletters to determine whether the message has been opened. As we adopt additional technology, we may also gather additional information through other methods.

Disabling cookies

Some of the cookies used by our Site are set by us and some by or with the help of third parties who are delivering services on our behalf. In particular, we use third parties to help us collect performance and measurement statistics about our Site. To learn more about two examples of the specific performance and measurement cookies used on our Site and how to opt-out, visit:

Google Analytics Privacy Policy

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies but, if you prefer, you can set your browser to disable cookies or to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether or not to accept it. Please note however, that by blocking or deleting cookies used on the Site you may not be able to take full advantage of the Site as it may impair your use of or prevent access to some areas, including taking advantage of special offers and vouchers. If you do leave cookies turned on, please take care to sign off when you are finished if using a shared computer.

You can also learn more about cookies by visiting which includes additional useful information on cookies and how to block cookies using different types of browser.


If you have ever provided us with an email address, we will be able to associate this email address back to your previous browsing and purchase experiences, whether you are logged on or not. We will know whether you receive email alerts and will be able to associate this with any other contact information you may have given us.


5. Marketing

Email or other electronic marketing

If you provide us with an email address, it will be entered into our regular email update service only where you have agreed to receiving such emails.

If you agreed to receiving marketing material at the time your information was collected from you, but subsequently change your mind and no longer wish to receive such communications, you can opt out of receiving future communications at any time. Please note, when opting out that you may continue to receive some information from us where this is already in the communication pipeline, typically for up to 1 day after the date on which you update your account.

If you start to set up an account with us via the Site but do not complete the process or place any orders, then we will email you to find out if you need any help to complete the process. An unsubscribe link is given at the end of this email.

You may also unsubscribe from receiving all marketing emails by writing to us or emailing us using the Contact Details below.


From time to time, we may also contact you by post (where you have indicated that you are happy for us doing so) with information on special offers or events regarding our products or Services.


6. Security and retention

We have implemented technology and security features, as well as strict internal guidelines, to safeguard the privacy of your personal information from loss, alteration, unauthorised access or improper use. Our security and privacy policies are periodically reviewed and we will continue to enhance our security procedures as new technology becomes available. Whilst we cannot ensure or guarantee that loss, alteration, unauthorised access or improper use of information will never occur, we use all reasonable efforts to prevent it.

While we make every effort to ensure that your information is secure on our system, you should bear in mind that submission of information over the Internet is never entirely secure. As a result, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk.

Your account information is password-protected for your privacy and security. You can play an important role in keeping your personal information secure by maintaining the confidentiality of your password used on the Site. We recommend that you change your password from time to time for additional security. Please advise us immediately if there is any unauthorised use of your account by any other Internet user or any other breach of security.

Only key members of our personnel have access to personal information. Backups are run to prevent loss of information and our Internet servers are housed in secure facilities.

It is advisable to close your browser when you have finished your user session to help ensure others do not access your personal information if you use a shared computer or a computer in a public place.

Information may be retained in countries outside of the European Economic Area, including the USA. We will ensure that any information transferred outside of the European Economic Area will be adequately protected. You agree to the transfer of your information to these countries.


7. Your choices and your rights

If you are a customer of ours, we may provide you access to account and usage information.

Under UK data protection law, you also have a right to ask and be told about the personal information we hold about you. You can do so, free of charge, by writing or emailing us at the details below.

You also have a right to correct any errors in the personal information that we hold about you, or to object the use of your personal information for direct marketing purpose. Usually you will be able to correct any errors via updating your account details on the Site, however if you are having trouble please write or email us at the details below.


8. External links

The Site may contain links to external websites. We assume no responsibility for the privacy practices or the content of those websites. Therefore, please read carefully any privacy policies on those websites before either agreeing to their terms or using those websites.


9. Contact us

If you have questions or concerns regarding this Policy, please contact us at


10. Changes to our Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy at any time for any reason. If we do so, we will post the updated Privacy Policy on the Site and indicate its effective date or the date it was posted. We encourage you to review the changes carefully. Your continued use of the Service will mean you agree to those changes.



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